воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Results are disappointing. But I guess I really have to start studying for Os from now (somewhere from now).
Iapos;m afraid Iapos;m not incredibly intelligent and the results show only when I put in my 100
The teachers have already had the meeting on who is going to advance to Sec 4 and I hope with all my heart they made the right decisions (not that I go up). I read something a few days ago. "The Bible reminds us that today is all we need to tackle. We donapos;t need to worry about tomorrowapos;s tasks. Every hill in life is too high if we think we must climb it all at once. But no hill is insurmountable if we take it one step forward at a time"
So that really spoke to me because it tells me everything really is in His hands.

Drill is tiring all of us but I really think weapos;d be able to pull through.


I donapos;t think I can love you anymore, even if I want to. So very much.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve been out enjoying the world.� i was in florida for a month, working in the middle of the state in the Everglades.� it was a phenomenal project, tons of different contractors, the florida dep, gators, snakes and hurricanes.� there was one bar in town and the night before our 1-day-a-week-day off we would meet up.� lots of music, some kareoke, some drinks.� lots of bugs; bug spray was mandatory, even for a night out.�
last weekend of september, k and i went up to the adirondacks for his cousinapos;s rally race.� sleeping in the car trailer; pouring rain all weekend; eating nuked food; talking to the canadians; "i thought you were going to land on that green car"; "should I call car 14apos;s crew?"; normal navigator driving, driver navigating.� we stopped outside lafayette on the way home and picked up fresh picked apples, went to a massive bass-pro and dreamed over boats and camping gear then went home.
and last weekend, we wandered around letchworth, fighting against all the people who were there for the craft show.� we walked around that, too, stopping at booths that made things with old railroad nails, beautiful woods,� make-your-own-tea.� we walked around so long that we nearly missed the light for taking pictures� it was an absolutely gorgeous weekend, sunny and 70apos;s with the trees popping color like fireworks.�

iapos;m getting ready to be out in the field for a while. Itapos;s looking like I will be out from a week before Thanksgiving till 2 days before Christmas, with the possibility of being home on weekends.� call if you want details.

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Samantha Santillo

The discussions that we had in the last two classes wersquo;ve attended were interesting. I like both the topics we talked about in class, although I never said anything. I think that by talking about these topics it made people think, about what was going on around us in the world, and everyone expressing their feelings on how they feel about healthcare and education. Healthcare is hard to get for the people who cannot afford insurance plans. Healthcare is very important because if some accident happens, people do not want to be stuck with huge medical bills. My grandmother has been in and out of the hospital for over a month now, shersquo;s had more than a handful of heart attacks in that tine. The doctorsrsquo; keep telling her that she needs this surgery then at the last minute they change their plans. No one really knows why, but I think itrsquo;s because of either how healthy she is or itrsquo;s too expensive and her plan might not cover it. I have always wanted to know how much all these medical procedures and her being in the hospital all this time including the dialysis she gets twice a week, would cost her and how much is being taken out of her insurance so she isnrsquo;t stuck paying for everything. Irsquo;ve always wondered how much of all these bills people pay towards surgeries and hospital visit for the people who are in the hospital, how much of this money goes to the actual doctors and nurses, instead of to the hospital itself, possibly to make a hospital cleaner or bigger, more organized, or even hire better doctors. Healthcare is one issue I believe will not be solved, and will be a problem of who and who canrsquo;t afford it.

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I saw Burn After Reading and it was so funny =O Hahahaahhaha BRAD�PITT�WAS�SO�FUNNY�IN�IT, I personally donapos;t really like Brad Pittapos;s roles... But this movie has changed that. Itapos;s awesome.�Brad Pitt was a gay guy who wasnapos;t gay, in other words he seemed gay but he wasnapos;t gay? I donapos;t know but he was hilarious.

"I�have the security of your shit"


"I have your shit"

Hahahahahaha. The movie was really good though, I loved the plot (even though the beginning was so confusing)�and the moral of the story. It showed the epitome of disaster caused by greed and lust. Really cool =P.

Anyway about my day...didnapos;t do anything really =/. I was spose to have tutor at night but my tutorapos;s car got stolen =S so yeah...a free night I�decided to go Macquarie afterwards and "study" pffffft =/ no that didnapos;t happen all I�did was talk to D and Momin. Apparently I�was really loud... I�have no idea I�was definite I was whispering. This mean lady turned around and told me to be quiet >_>.� She looked like she was about to cry as well and�looked super pissed off�=S it must be the stress... Anyway I noticed when i talked, all these people just looked up. Wow =O thats how powerful my aura is >=) ... Naw I�was probably just being too loud =/. Anyway after the library closed we went to Macquarie decided to watch Burn After Reading... Well actually I decided, Momin wanted to watch some stupid movie called Max Payne and D wanted to watch Babylon A.D. At 9:10. Anyway we walked around cause we had 2 hours to burn before the movie and went into Dick Smith. I walked up to a laptop there and drew Jerm Rocks on paint and then set it as the wall paper =P, then on the next laptop I wrote D Sucks and set that as the wallpaper. Shit...Iapos;m awesome�Hahahahhaha xD.

After that we went to eat. I decided ugh.....I donapos;t want to be sick again so I�just got a chocolate sundae and easy way. I�ended up feeling so full == I think it was because of the easy way =S. Well.. The sundae was actually pretty filling, itapos;s kinda embarrassing that I canapos;t eat alot cause I end up feeling sick if I�eat too much and get a bulge in my stomach =/ which is why I�sometimes donapos;t�finish food which is a big waste and sucks ==.

Anyway super tired, woke up at 5 am == so yeah...

j-bear OUT

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So like, Iapos;m tired. I always tired.

I get tired of things pretty easily, which Iapos;m guessing is the norm when youapos;re a teenager, so Iapos;d better get used to it. I donapos;t wanna talk about pirates. I donapos;t wanna talk in a British accent. I want to take a shower and go to bed, and I know I should read or write a bit first but I donapos;t wanna. I donapos;t, I donapos;t. And I donapos;t wanna get up early tomorrow either unless I am most well rested.

On Saturday I am going to watch a black belt test (go Pearlman, McCoy and Warren, woot). And I just realized I have two more years of Spanish to go.

Two. More.

Which isnapos;t so bad, but things arenapos;t going very well with I-Know-Who. On the bright side, Halloweenapos;s a-coming and I have some plans--though not very many. Better than nothing. Sadly it doesnapos;t involve play contest.

Sadly shouldnapos;t be at the front of that sentence because it modifies "it" and "it" in this case is not doing anything sadly, which is instead supposed to refer to my tone in that sentence. As in, hopefully or sadly. But whatever.

I am improving at Spanish. Today I learned how to properly say "I agree that weapos;re all going to die," and so now itapos;s okay.

Clap. Clap.

I am torn between writing about Simon and his extreme guyishness (read: density) and keeping it deep, deep inside. Deep, deep. As in, so deep it will only ever come out in girl talks, on eight separate occasions, in Spanish class when my bffn Anne and I are whispering instead of paying attention and when I am trying not to give him glances. Trying, trying. So I will try to keep my feelings in but Iapos;ll end up telling Anne, and sheapos;ll talk about Jake, and weapos;ll both feel pretty bad, and then weapos;ll take a Spanish quiz, or maybe get one back. Then I guess itapos;ll be all right.

Cheer up, emo kid.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I got a shiny new iPod touch with my shiny new MacBook, mainly because there was a fairly serious rebate involved. Iapos;ve been playing with it and have started listening to podcasts again, working my way through some Savage Loves, Wait Wait Donapos;t Tell Mes, Destination DIY and This American Life. Iapos;m just about to start last weekapos;s TAL where they explain everything thatapos;s happened with the financial crisis since the apos;Global Pool of Moneyapos; episode last April. I know itapos;s freaky, but Iapos;m actually really excited about listening to it at the gym tonight.
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What do you get when you add TAs who donapos;t understand English with students who canapos;t write it? CONFUSION.

My TA for my Early Modern China class informed the class today that "I donapos;t think many of you very well know grammar..."

On my paper (not the monstrosity I posted here yesterday, but one on female missionaries), she wrote:

A-. Good job. Your paper is clear in organization and writing. I enjoy reading it. However, it lacks strong arguments as well as critiques of the book.

I donapos;t even know what to make of that. "Your paper is entirely without substance. Good job"

Also, I actually structured my around a single argument, which I thought was pretty strong--and the argument was a critique of the book, not a summary Maybe she means secondary sources. I will have to find out; would like to get an A on the next one, which I also want to be about PIRATES.
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